
Showing posts from March, 2019

PAL Warns Against Self-troubleshooting Plumbing Issues

The Plumbing Association of Lakeside (PAL) is warning homeowners against self-troubleshooting plumbing issues they may encounter, saying it may do more harm than good. Apart from potential accidents, Do-It-Yourself plumbing repair can lead to more plumbing issues that could even end up unsafe and more expensive to remedy later on. DIY plumbing can be very dangerous. ( Photo Credits )  Speaking before local media who reported on a local plumbing-go-wrong incident, PAL President Luke Petersen says they have seen too many plumbing disasters brought about by well-meaning homeowners who tried to repair their own plumbing issues. “What could have been a simple repair turned out to be a catastrophic plumbing problem that has even led to a more expensive water damage issue. A persistent slow drain for instance has caused pipe corrosion due to continuous use of drain cleaners which are actually very harmful to the plumbing system. Then there are homeowners that try to fix clogs or try to